Friday, January 14, 2011

The Philosophy of David F Wallace

What The Broom of The System has to do with Wittgenstein. Apparently, everything.

Philosophical Sweep - Slate

All the philosophy courses I took in uni all went in chronological order, and all went over, so Wittgenstein was always shoved to the final two weeks before exams, so it was usually rushed. I have the suspicion that most of my professors didn't quite understand what he was all about anyway, so just assigned him for reading and threw the arbitrary question on the exam.

In other DFW news, I'm thinking of re-reading Infinite Jest this year. I almost re-read it two summers ago, as part of the Infinite Summer project, but decided to read 15 other books instead. The first time I read it was in my 3rd year of university, during winter exams. (Yeah, I was that kind of guy when I was 22) I attempted a re-read in 2000, but gave up about half-way, unable to concentrate on it.  It's been sitting on bookshelf ever since, taunting me.  I've dipped into it now and again (especially after DFW's suicide) and now I'm considering a full re-read.

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